quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2007

O que será um 'especialista’ «art.º 48» RJIES

RJIES – Art.º 48 & Art.º 49 «o especialista»

Isto é uma novidade do ensino politécnico com respostas e atributos «à portuguesa»

Nota 1 – as condições de atribuição do título de especialista vão ser fixadas por lei;
Nota 2 – 35% do conjunto de docentes e investigadores de um politécnico devem ser detentores do título de especialista.
Nota 3 – a maioria do docentes detentores do título de especialista deve desenvolver uma actividade profissional na área em que foi atribuído o título.

É possível encontrar referências suficientes no site do EURYDICE, embora se possa desde já avançar que este GRAU tem forte tradição no sistema educacional russo.
Optei por deixar aqui alguns apontamentos que, no caso do documento proveniente da área de Fisioterapia são bastante esclarecedores e susceptíveis de tradução/adaptação.

Citação do documento Eurydice Science Teaching in Schools in Europe – Questionnaire –May 2005 5

Pg.ª 4
“An integrated approach to science on the school curriculum does not necessarily mean that intending science teachers are given methodology training appropriate to all science subjects. Thus, for example, a trainee teacher who has a specialist degree in biology may be required to teach science as a single, integrated subject in the classroom. This is an important point to make because it cannot be taken for granted that regulations or recommendations for teacher education are identical even in systems with an integrated approach to science in schools. However, if science is taught as separate sub-disciplines in school, the likelihood becomes greater that trainee teachers have received some differentiated training in methodology.

Pg.ª 41
“Specialist teacher
S/he is trained to teach just one or two specific subject(s), one of which is normally subsidiary. In certain cases, a specialist teacher is trained for three subjects, the third of which is subsidiary.”

Citação do documento “Interim report on Recommendation on Specialisation for
Physiotherapists within the European Region of the WCPT - 2006”

Pg.ª 3
“Description of specialisation within physiotherapy has been an ongoing process in the ER-WCPT since 1996. To observe the changes that occur within the concept of what a specialist physiotherapist is and the process employed to obtain specialisation, a model of specialisation should be defined as a reference. A Proposed Model for the Development of Specialisation, developed by The Education Working Group, was adopted at the General Meeting, May 2004.
The model was to be used as a reference by Member Organisations to develop specialisation models and to enhance the understanding of specialisation and the role and practice of the specialist. The proposed Model was at the same time to be used as a data-gathering instrument to give a status of the development of specialisation models in the member countries.”

P.ª 19
The concept of specialisation / Proposed description of competencies in specialisation
A physiotherapist who is a specialist has advanced theoretical knowledge and
skills within a specified field of competence.
A physiotherapist who is a specialist:
Applies knowledge
Mediates knowledge
Develops knowledge
Applies knowledge
The advanced knowledge and clinical competence of the specialist is based upon critical reasoning and judgement. The term clinical competence refers to the combination of theoretical knowledge and practical actions, skills, experience and set of values represented in the dimensions of intervention particular to each area of speciality.
Competence includes the capacity for clinical reasoning, reflection and decision-making. This implies knowledge about professional development and research, organisation and administrative planning.
Mediates knowledge
The specialist demonstrates advanced knowledge and educational competence in relation to mentoring, teaching, and supervision. The specialist disseminates acquired knowledge and skills internally within the work-place as well as externally towards society.
Develops knowledge
The specialist adopts a constructively critical attitude and demonstrates responsibility and flexibility towards new knowledge, clinical methods, and models of organisation, treatment programmes, and inter-professional collaboration in order to optimise intervention in an area of speciality.
The specialist actively seeks out new information and stays in touch with the development of new knowledge in order to implement best known evidence. The specialist participates in research in an area of practice, publishes and presents research findings, bringing new knowledge to the field.”

P.ª 20
The process of specialisation
The process to achieve the desired specialist attributes may be formal or informal. The output remains paramount. The process described within this document forms the basis of a data gathering exercise; it is not a mandatory formal process and should not be adopted as such.
There will always be a formal evaluation of an individual who wishes to consider eligible for the title of specialist physiotherapist.
The informal process will be self-directed and not prescriptive.
The formal process undertaken by an individual physiotherapy specialist may include testing and acknowledging the appropriate advanced theoretical and clinical knowledge and skills of the speciality.
It is expected that both the formal and informal processes will be fully documented by the applicant, through a systematic record and supporting evidence.”

1 comentário:

Regina Nabais disse...

Já que a minha actual vida se desdobra por umas dez, é excelente contar com uma ajuda das muito boas. Estou a apreciar, de longe,o seu trabalho, Alexandre. OBRIGADA!
Fico a dever-lhe os resultados das suas pesquisas, e nunca se esqueça disto, por que minha mememória´já não é o que nunca foi.
Ainda bem, que regressou ao tema da Educação Superior.
Pelos jeitos, a regulamentação específica das "fundações" foi já chutada pelo MCTES, para 2009... Assim, as "fundações só afectarão os orçamentos públicos seguintes. Se for como eu entendi, já se obteve um saldo positivo de 1 a zero, no primeiro "round".